
LuaFAR 3


ret = export.Open (OpenFrom, Guid, Item)

    Type of userdata, produced by bit64 library.
    By convention, it is a string enclosed in a table as its first element.
    The string is intended to be passed to and from without conversions UTF-8 <-> UTF-16LE.
    By convention, it is a panel handle (any non-false Lua value) enclosed in a table
    as its first element. The table must contain the field ["type"]="panel".

  OpenFrom: integer
  Guid:     string
    if OpenFrom == OPEN_FROMMACRO:
      table (array of arguments):
      - each argument can be either of:
        string, nil, boolean, number, "int64", or "binary"
      - field n of the table holds the length of the array
    if OpenFrom == OPEN_COMMANDLINE:
    if OpenFrom == OPEN_SHORTCUT:
        HostFile:     string
        ShortcutData: string
        Flags:        flags
    if OpenFrom == OPEN_DIALOG:
        hDlg: userdata
    if OpenFrom == OPEN_ANALYSE:
      table tAnalyseInfo
    if OpenFrom == something else:

  if OpenFrom == OPEN_FROMMACRO:
    0 or more Lua values.
    Currently, values of the following types are supported:
        string, nil, boolean, number, "int64", "binary", or "panel".
    To open a panel, return a "panel" value as the first return value.
  if OpenFrom == something else:
    ret: any Lua value; it is processed by LuaFAR as follows:
    - Nil and false: NULL is returned to Far.
    - Number -1: PANEL_STOP is returned to Far.
    - Otherwise: ret is considered a panel object, stored in the Lua
      registry, its registry reference is returned to Far.
      The object is passed to other exported functions when they are
      called by Far.

  Return value of -1 can be used with OpenFrom == OPEN_ANALYSE,
  when the plugin does actions other than opening a panel, to tell
  Far that the file has already been processed.

Far API used:
  OpenW, OpenInfo