
LuaFAR 3


Some libraries (e.g. rings) can create additional lua_State instances from Lua scripts. To initialize those instances with libraries included in LuaFAR (far, bit64, win, unicode), call luaopen_luaplug() passing it the lua_State* to be initialized.

This function is also accessible from Lua as the global variable _luaplug. It is NOT intended to be called from the running lua_State but rather to be passed to another lua_State for its initialization.

Alternatively, this function can be loaded via package.loadlib as in the following example.


  local rings = require "rings"
  local r1 =
    local modname = ...
    assert(package.loadlib(modname, "luaopen_luaplug"))()
    far.Message ("Hello world", "Called from a ring")
  ]], far.PluginStartupInfo().ModuleName)

Note: After replacing the standard Lua 5.1 DLL with one from LuaJIT 2.0, this example has stopped working. The issue is investigated.