Many basic actions and features are available in LuaEdit. The shortcuts and icons of those features and
actions have been adapted so that they can looks and reacts the same way as they do in Visual Studio .Net
®. This section will briefly describe them.
File handling
LuaEdit recognize two type of file: *.lpr extension standing for "Lua Project" and *.lua extension standing
for "Lua Units". To open any *.lpr files, select the menu "File/Open Lua Project..." or the menu "File/Open File...".
To open any *.lua files, select the menu "File/Open File...". The selected file will be added to the "Project Tree Window".
The menu "File/Save" will save the currently edited unit on its originally opened localtion. The menu "File/Save As..."
will display a save dialog wich allow to save the file anywhere you can. The menu "File/Save All" will save any modified
or new units and projects. The menu "File/Save Project As..." will display a save dialog so that you can
save the current "Active Project" anywhere you can. New units and projects can be created via the menu "File/New/Unit" and
"File/New/Project". The menu "File/Reopen" contains all recently opened projects and units. Simply click on any of
these to reopen it. The menu "File/Print Steup..." will display the printing options and the menu "File/Print..." will
display a print dialog to print the currently edited unit.
Code handling
Luaedit exposed all basic code handling actions. The menu "Edit/Undo" will undo the lastest changes and the menu "Edit/Redo"
will redo the lastest *undoed* changes. The menu "Edit/Cut" will cut the current selection from the currently edited unit and
will add this text in the clipboard. The menu "Edit/Copy" will copy the current selection from the currently edited unit and
will add this text in the clipboard. The menu "Edit/Paste" will insert the text in the clipboard at the currrent cursor position
of the currently edited unit. The "Edit/Select All" menu will select all the text present in the currently edited unit. The
"Edit/Find..." menu will display a find dialog so that you can easily find the text you are looking for. The menu
"Edit/Replace..." will display a find and replace dialog so that you can easily replace the text you are looking for. The
"Edit/Find Again" menu will continue the previous search keeping the same given parameters. The menu "Edit/Find in Files" will
display a find in files dialog so that you can find text contained in some files of your hard drive with ease (NOTE: the find in files
engine only find text in *.lua files if any). The menu "Edit/Indent Selection" will increase the current selection of the currently edited unit of one level according to your tab settings.
The menu "Edit/Unindent Selection" will decrease the current selection of the currently edited unit of one level according to your tab settings.
The "Edit/Comment Selection" and the "Edit/Uncomment Selection" menus will comment/uncomment the selected text in one click. The "Edit/Uppercase Selection" and
the "Edit/Lowercase Selection" menus will set all characters of the current selection to upper or lower case. The menu "Edit/Goto Last Edited"
will bring you to the last edited line. The "Edit/Go to Line..." menu will display a dialog to enter the line number where to go in the currently edited unit.