Adobe InDesign CS6 (8.0) Object Model JS: TextTypeAlignments

InDesign CS6

 The text alignment relative to the path.


TextTypeAlignments.ABOVE_RIGHT_EM_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENTThe top-edge or right-edge baseline of the em box is aligned to the path.1952543333 = 'tare'
TextTypeAlignments.ABOVE_RIGHT_ICF_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENTThe ideographic character face box top-edge or right-edge baseline is aligned to the path.1952543337 = 'tari'
TextTypeAlignments.ASCENDER_TEXT_ALIGNMENTAligns the ascender to the path (not the path's stroke).1952538995 = 'taas'
TextTypeAlignments.BASELINE_TEXT_ALIGNMENTThe text baseline is aligned to the path (not the path's stroke).1952539244 = 'tabl'
TextTypeAlignments.BELOW_LEFT_EM_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENTThe bottom-edge or left-edge baseline of the em box is aligned to the path.1952607333 = 'tble'
TextTypeAlignments.BELOW_LEFT_ICF_BOX_TEXT_ALIGNMENTThe ideographic character face box bottom-edge or left-edge baseline is aligned to the path.1952607337 = 'tbli'
TextTypeAlignments.CENTER_TEXT_ALIGNMENTAligns the midpoint between the ascender and the descender to the path (not the path's stroke).1952539508 = 'tact'
TextTypeAlignments.DESCENDER_TEXT_ALIGNMENTAligns descender to the path (not the path's stroke).1952539763 = 'tads'


As property


Jongware, 28-Apr-2012 v3.0.3hContents :: Index