Adobe InDesign CS6 (8.0) Object Model JS: SnapshotBlendingModes

InDesign CS6

 Modes that control which nearby snapshots, by size and shape, are blended into the new layout.


SnapshotBlendingModes.FULL_SNAPSHOT_BLENDINGUse up to three nearest snapshots even if a snapshot is in a different class that the new layout.1399735925 = 'SnFu'
SnapshotBlendingModes.IGNORE_LAYOUT_SNAPSHOTSTurns off the influence of layout snapshots completely.1399736679 = 'SnIg'
SnapshotBlendingModes.LIMITED_SNAPSHOT_BLENDINGUse only layout snapshots within the same class as the new layout.1399737449 = 'SnLi'
SnapshotBlendingModes.USE_NEAREST_SNAPSHOTUse the layout snapshot nearest in size and shape to the new layout.1399737957 = 'SnNe'


As property


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