Name | Description | Value |
RuleDataType.BOOLEAN_DATA_TYPE | The data type is a boolean. | 1920221804 = 'rtBl' |
RuleDataType.INTEGER_DATA_TYPE | The data type is an int32. | 1920223598 = 'rtIn' |
RuleDataType.LIST_DATA_TYPE | The data type is a list. | 1920224372 = 'rtLt' |
RuleDataType.OBJECT_DATA_TYPE | The data type is an object. | 1920225122 = 'rtOb' |
RuleDataType.REAL_DATA_TYPE | The data type is a real. | 1920225900 = 'rtRl' |
RuleDataType.SHORT_INTEGER_DATA_TYPE | The data type is an int16. | 1920226153 = 'rtSi' |
RuleDataType.STRING_DATA_TYPE | The data type is a string. | 1920226162 = 'rtSr' |
In function
RuleDataObject RuleDataObjects.add (name: string, dataType: RuleDataType, dataValue: varies[, withProperties: Object])
As property
Jongware, 28-Apr-2012 v3.0.3h | Contents :: Index |