IM: im_color.h File Reference

IM - Imaging Libray

im_color.h File Reference

Detailed Description

See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h

Go to the source code of this file.


#define IM_FWLAB(_w)
#define IM_GWLAB(_w)


float imColorZero (int data_type)
int imColorMax (int data_type)
template<class T>
imColorQuantize (const float &value, const T &max)
template<class T>
float imColorReconstruct (const T &value, const T &max)
template<class T>
void imColorYCbCr2RGB (const T Y, const T Cb, const T Cr, T &R, T &G, T &B, const T &zero, const T &max)
template<class T>
void imColorRGB2YCbCr (const T R, const T G, const T B, T &Y, T &Cb, T &Cr, const T &zero)
template<class T>
void imColorCMYK2RGB (const T C, const T M, const T Y, const T K, T &R, T &G, T &B, const T &max)
template<class T>
void imColorXYZ2RGB (const T X, const T Y, const T Z, T &R, T &G, T &B, const T &max)
template<class T>
void imColorRGB2XYZ (const T R, const T G, const T B, T &X, T &Y, T &Z)
void imColorXYZ2Lab (const float X, const float Y, const float Z, float &L, float &a, float &b)
void imColorLab2XYZ (const float L, const float a, const float b, float &X, float &Y, float &Z)
void imColorXYZ2Luv (const float X, const float Y, const float Z, float &L, float &u, float &v)
void imColorLuv2XYZ (const float L, const float u, const float v, float &X, float &Y, float &Z)
float imColorTransfer2Linear (const float &nonlinear_value)
float imColorTransfer2Nonlinear (const float &value)
void imColorRGB2RGBNonlinear (const float RL, const float GL, const float BL, float &R, float &G, float &B)
template<class T>
imColorRGB2Luma (const T R, const T G, const T B)
float imColorLuminance2Lightness (const float &Y)
float imColorLightness2Luminance (const float &L)

Define Documentation

#define IM_FWLAB _w   ) 


(_w > 0.008856f?               \
                        powf(_w, 1.0f/3.0f):        \
                        7.787f * _w + 0.16f/1.16f)

#define IM_GWLAB _w   ) 


(_w > 0.20689f?                     \
                         powf(_w, 3.0f):                  \
                         0.1284f * (_w - 0.16f/1.16f))