IM: im_math.h File Reference

IM - Imaging Libray

im_math.h File Reference

Detailed Description

See Copyright Notice in im_lib.h

Go to the source code of this file.


#define C0   (-x3 + 2.0f*x2 - x)
#define C1   ( x3 - 2.0f*x2 + 1.0f)
#define C2   (-x3 + x2 + x)
#define C3   ( x3 - x2)


template<class T, class TU>
imZeroOrderDecimation (int width, int height, T *map, float xl, float yl, float box_width, float box_height, TU Dummy)
template<class T, class TU>
imBilinearDecimation (int width, int height, T *map, float xl, float yl, float box_width, float box_height, TU Dummy)
template<class T>
imZeroOrderInterpolation (int width, int height, T *map, float xl, float yl)
template<class T>
imBilinearInterpolation (int width, int height, T *map, float xl, float yl)
template<class T, class TU>
imBicubicInterpolation (int width, int height, T *map, float xl, float yl, TU Dummy)
template<class T>
void imMinMax (const T *map, int count, T &min, T &max)