MSHelpAttrCollection Properties

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MSHelpAttrCollection Properties

The MSHelpAttrCollection type exposes the following members.

  Name Description
Public property AllowEdit
Gets or sets a value indicating whether items in the list can be edited.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Public property AllowNew
Gets or sets a value indicating whether you can add items to the list using the AddNew method.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Public property AllowRemove
Gets or sets a value indicating whether you can remove items from the collection.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Public property Count
Gets the number of elements actually contained in the CollectionT.
(Inherited from CollectionMSHelpAttr.)
Public property IsDirty
This is used to get or set the dirty state of the collection
Protected property IsSortedCore
Gets a value indicating whether the list is sorted.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Public property Item
Gets or sets the element at the specified index.
(Inherited from CollectionMSHelpAttr.)
Protected property Items
Gets a IListT wrapper around the CollectionT.
(Inherited from CollectionMSHelpAttr.)
Public property RaiseListChangedEvents
Gets or sets a value indicating whether adding or removing items within the list raises ListChanged events.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Protected property SortDirectionCore
Gets the direction the list is sorted.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Protected property SortPropertyCore
Gets the property descriptor that is used for sorting the list if sorting is implemented in a derived class; otherwise, returns null.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Protected property SupportsChangeNotificationCore
Gets a value indicating whether ListChanged events are enabled.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Protected property SupportsSearchingCore
Gets a value indicating whether the list supports searching.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
Protected property SupportsSortingCore
Gets a value indicating whether the list supports sorting.
(Inherited from BindingListMSHelpAttr.)
See Also