Metadata Topic Elements

HTML to MAML Converter

Metadata Topic Elements

Certain topic elements not represented in the rules file are searched for in order to extract common metadata that will be associated with the converted topic files:

Note Note

All element names are matched case-insensitively.

The Title Element

The HTML file should contain a standard title element that defines the page title. If not found, it will be left blank in any of the supporting content files.

Index Keyword Elements

If the parser finds any MSHelp:Keyword elements, it will extract the index name and the term and will save them to the supporting content files.

Help Attribute Elements

If the parser finds any MSHelp:Attr elements, it will extract the attribute name and value and will save them to the supporting content files. If the name of the attribute is "Abstract", the content of the attribute is written out to the topic file in the summary element. This element becomes the abstract when the topic is compiled for the help file.

Sandcastle Help File Builder Special Comment Tags

If the file parser finds any of the special comment tags used by the Sandcastle Help File Builder such as @TOCExclude, @SplitTOC, @DefaultTopic, and @SortOrder it will extract them and use them when generating the supporting content files to maintain the existing layout of the topics.

See Also

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