Remove Rules

HTML to MAML Converter

Remove Rules

This section defines HTML elements that must be removed from the converted topics because they lack a MAML equivalent.

Rule Processing

Certain HTML elements have no MAML equivalent and serve no purpose if they appear outside of an element handled by the markup wrapper rules. In such cases, these elements are simply removed. Any text within the elements will appear in the topic as normal text.

The entries consist of Tag elements with a name attribute that defines the HTML element to be removed.

Note Note

All name values are matched case-insensitively.

Remove Entries
  <Tag name="area" />
  <Tag name="base" />
  <Tag name="basefont" />
  <Tag name="bdo" />
  <Tag name="blink" />
  <Tag name="center" />
  <Tag name="col" />
  <Tag name="colgroup" />
  <Tag name="del" />
  <Tag name="font" />
  <Tag name="frame" />
  <Tag name="include" />
  <Tag name="ins" />
  <Tag name="isindex" />
  <Tag name="keygen" />
  <Tag name="legend" />
  <Tag name="link" />
  <Tag name="marquee" />
  <Tag name="meta" />
  <Tag name="multicol" />
  <Tag name="nextid" />
  <Tag name="nobr" />
  <Tag name="noframes" />
  <Tag name="optgroup" />
  <Tag name="option" />
  <Tag name="param" />
  <Tag name="plaintext" />
  <Tag name="rt" />
  <Tag name="ruby" />
  <Tag name="s" />
  <Tag name="spacer" />
  <Tag name="strike" />
  <Tag name="style" />
  <Tag name="tbody" />
  <Tag name="tfoot" />
  <Tag name="wbr" />
See Also