HtmlToMamlConversion Namespace

HTML to MAML Converter

HtmlToMamlConversion Namespace
This namespace contains the classes used to convert HTML files to MAML topic files.
  Class Description
Public class ConversionProgressEventArgs
This is a custom event arguments class for the ConversionProgress event.
Public class ConvertHtmlToMaml
This utility is used to convert HTML files to MAML topics and create some supporting files.
Public class FileParser
This is used to parse an HTML file to extract the various parts for conversion to MAML
Public class HtmlToMaml
This class is used to convert a set of HTML file to their close equivalent as conceptual MAML topic files.
Public class ImageReference
This represents an image reference
Public class ImageReferenceCollection
This is a collection of image references
Public class TagOptions
This is used to contain the options and state for a Tag entry from the conversion rules file.
Public class Topic
This represents a topic file
Public class TopicCollection
This is a collection of topic items