src/pkg/html/template/template.go - The Go Programming Language


Source file src/pkg/html/template/template.go

     1	// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2	// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3	// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5	package template
     7	import (
     8		"fmt"
     9		"io"
    10		"io/ioutil"
    11		"path/filepath"
    12		"sync"
    13		"text/template"
    14		"text/template/parse"
    15	)
    17	// Template is a specialized template.Template that produces a safe HTML
    18	// document fragment.
    19	type Template struct {
    20		escaped bool
    21		// We could embed the text/template field, but it's safer not to because
    22		// we need to keep our version of the name space and the underlying
    23		// template's in sync.
    24		text       *template.Template
    25		*nameSpace // common to all associated templates
    26	}
    28	// nameSpace is the data structure shared by all templates in an association.
    29	type nameSpace struct {
    30		mu  sync.Mutex
    31		set map[string]*Template
    32	}
    34	// Templates returns a slice of the templates associated with t, including t
    35	// itself.
    36	func (t *Template) Templates() []*Template {
    37		ns := t.nameSpace
    39		defer
    40		// Return a slice so we don't expose the map.
    41		m := make([]*Template, 0, len(ns.set))
    42		for _, v := range ns.set {
    43			m = append(m, v)
    44		}
    45		return m
    46	}
    48	// Execute applies a parsed template to the specified data object,
    49	// writing the output to wr.
    50	func (t *Template) Execute(wr io.Writer, data interface{}) (err error) {
    52		if !t.escaped {
    53			if err = escapeTemplates(t, t.Name()); err != nil {
    54				t.escaped = true
    55			}
    56		}
    58		if err != nil {
    59			return
    60		}
    61		return t.text.Execute(wr, data)
    62	}
    64	// ExecuteTemplate applies the template associated with t that has the given
    65	// name to the specified data object and writes the output to wr.
    66	func (t *Template) ExecuteTemplate(wr io.Writer, name string, data interface{}) error {
    67		tmpl, err := t.lookupAndEscapeTemplate(name)
    68		if err != nil {
    69			return err
    70		}
    71		return tmpl.text.Execute(wr, data)
    72	}
    74	// lookupAndEscapeTemplate guarantees that the template with the given name
    75	// is escaped, or returns an error if it cannot be. It returns the named
    76	// template.
    77	func (t *Template) lookupAndEscapeTemplate(name string) (tmpl *Template, err error) {
    79		defer
    80		tmpl = t.set[name]
    81		if tmpl == nil {
    82			return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: %q is undefined", name)
    83		}
    84		if tmpl.text.Tree == nil || tmpl.text.Root == nil {
    85			return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: %q is an incomplete template", name)
    86		}
    87		if t.text.Lookup(name) == nil {
    88			panic("html/template internal error: template escaping out of sync")
    89		}
    90		if tmpl != nil && !tmpl.escaped {
    91			err = escapeTemplates(tmpl, name)
    92		}
    93		return tmpl, err
    94	}
    96	// Parse parses a string into a template. Nested template definitions
    97	// will be associated with the top-level template t. Parse may be
    98	// called multiple times to parse definitions of templates to associate
    99	// with t. It is an error if a resulting template is non-empty (contains
   100	// content other than template definitions) and would replace a
   101	// non-empty template with the same name.  (In multiple calls to Parse
   102	// with the same receiver template, only one call can contain text
   103	// other than space, comments, and template definitions.)
   104	func (t *Template) Parse(src string) (*Template, error) {
   106		t.escaped = false
   108		ret, err := t.text.Parse(src)
   109		if err != nil {
   110			return nil, err
   111		}
   112		// In general, all the named templates might have changed underfoot.
   113		// Regardless, some new ones may have been defined.
   114		// The template.Template set has been updated; update ours.
   116		defer
   117		for _, v := range ret.Templates() {
   118			name := v.Name()
   119			tmpl := t.set[name]
   120			if tmpl == nil {
   121				tmpl =
   122			}
   123			tmpl.escaped = false
   124			tmpl.text = v
   125		}
   126		return t, nil
   127	}
   129	// AddParseTree creates a new template with the name and parse tree
   130	// and associates it with t.
   131	//
   132	// It returns an error if t has already been executed.
   133	func (t *Template) AddParseTree(name string, tree *parse.Tree) (*Template, error) {
   135		defer
   136		if t.escaped {
   137			return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot AddParseTree to %q after it has executed", t.Name())
   138		}
   139		text, err := t.text.AddParseTree(name, tree)
   140		if err != nil {
   141			return nil, err
   142		}
   143		ret := &Template{
   144			false,
   145			text,
   146			t.nameSpace,
   147		}
   148		t.set[name] = ret
   149		return ret, nil
   150	}
   152	// Clone returns a duplicate of the template, including all associated
   153	// templates. The actual representation is not copied, but the name space of
   154	// associated templates is, so further calls to Parse in the copy will add
   155	// templates to the copy but not to the original. Clone can be used to prepare
   156	// common templates and use them with variant definitions for other templates
   157	// by adding the variants after the clone is made.
   158	//
   159	// It returns an error if t has already been executed.
   160	func (t *Template) Clone() (*Template, error) {
   162		defer
   163		if t.escaped {
   164			return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot Clone %q after it has executed", t.Name())
   165		}
   166		textClone, err := t.text.Clone()
   167		if err != nil {
   168			return nil, err
   169		}
   170		ret := &Template{
   171			false,
   172			textClone,
   173			&nameSpace{
   174				set: make(map[string]*Template),
   175			},
   176		}
   177		for _, x := range textClone.Templates() {
   178			name := x.Name()
   179			src := t.set[name]
   180			if src == nil || src.escaped {
   181				return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: cannot Clone %q after it has executed", t.Name())
   182			}
   183			if x.Tree != nil {
   184				x.Tree = &parse.Tree{
   185					Name: x.Tree.Name,
   186					Root: x.Tree.Root.CopyList(),
   187				}
   188			}
   189			ret.set[name] = &Template{
   190				false,
   191				x,
   192				ret.nameSpace,
   193			}
   194		}
   195		return ret, nil
   196	}
   198	// New allocates a new HTML template with the given name.
   199	func New(name string) *Template {
   200		tmpl := &Template{
   201			false,
   202			template.New(name),
   203			&nameSpace{
   204				set: make(map[string]*Template),
   205			},
   206		}
   207		tmpl.set[name] = tmpl
   208		return tmpl
   209	}
   211	// New allocates a new HTML template associated with the given one
   212	// and with the same delimiters. The association, which is transitive,
   213	// allows one template to invoke another with a {{template}} action.
   214	func (t *Template) New(name string) *Template {
   216		defer
   217		return
   218	}
   220	// new is the implementation of New, without the lock.
   221	func (t *Template) new(name string) *Template {
   222		tmpl := &Template{
   223			false,
   224			t.text.New(name),
   225			t.nameSpace,
   226		}
   227		tmpl.set[name] = tmpl
   228		return tmpl
   229	}
   231	// Name returns the name of the template.
   232	func (t *Template) Name() string {
   233		return t.text.Name()
   234	}
   236	// FuncMap is the type of the map defining the mapping from names to
   237	// functions. Each function must have either a single return value, or two
   238	// return values of which the second has type error. In that case, if the
   239	// second (error) argument evaluates to non-nil during execution, execution
   240	// terminates and Execute returns that error. FuncMap has the same base type
   241	// as template.FuncMap, copied here so clients need not import "text/template".
   242	type FuncMap map[string]interface{}
   244	// Funcs adds the elements of the argument map to the template's function map.
   245	// It panics if a value in the map is not a function with appropriate return
   246	// type. However, it is legal to overwrite elements of the map. The return
   247	// value is the template, so calls can be chained.
   248	func (t *Template) Funcs(funcMap FuncMap) *Template {
   249		t.text.Funcs(template.FuncMap(funcMap))
   250		return t
   251	}
   253	// Delims sets the action delimiters to the specified strings, to be used in
   254	// subsequent calls to Parse, ParseFiles, or ParseGlob. Nested template
   255	// definitions will inherit the settings. An empty delimiter stands for the
   256	// corresponding default: {{ or }}.
   257	// The return value is the template, so calls can be chained.
   258	func (t *Template) Delims(left, right string) *Template {
   259		t.text.Delims(left, right)
   260		return t
   261	}
   263	// Lookup returns the template with the given name that is associated with t,
   264	// or nil if there is no such template.
   265	func (t *Template) Lookup(name string) *Template {
   267		defer
   268		return t.set[name]
   269	}
   271	// Must panics if err is non-nil in the same way as template.Must.
   272	func Must(t *Template, err error) *Template {
   273		if err != nil {
   274			panic(err)
   275		}
   276		return t
   277	}
   279	// ParseFiles creates a new Template and parses the template definitions from
   280	// the named files. The returned template's name will have the (base) name and
   281	// (parsed) contents of the first file. There must be at least one file.
   282	// If an error occurs, parsing stops and the returned *Template is nil.
   283	func ParseFiles(filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
   284		return parseFiles(nil, filenames...)
   285	}
   287	// ParseFiles parses the named files and associates the resulting templates with
   288	// t. If an error occurs, parsing stops and the returned template is nil;
   289	// otherwise it is t. There must be at least one file.
   290	func (t *Template) ParseFiles(filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
   291		return parseFiles(t, filenames...)
   292	}
   294	// parseFiles is the helper for the method and function. If the argument
   295	// template is nil, it is created from the first file.
   296	func parseFiles(t *Template, filenames ...string) (*Template, error) {
   297		if len(filenames) == 0 {
   298			// Not really a problem, but be consistent.
   299			return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: no files named in call to ParseFiles")
   300		}
   301		for _, filename := range filenames {
   302			b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename)
   303			if err != nil {
   304				return nil, err
   305			}
   306			s := string(b)
   307			name := filepath.Base(filename)
   308			// First template becomes return value if not already defined,
   309			// and we use that one for subsequent New calls to associate
   310			// all the templates together. Also, if this file has the same name
   311			// as t, this file becomes the contents of t, so
   312			//  t, err := New(name).Funcs(xxx).ParseFiles(name)
   313			// works. Otherwise we create a new template associated with t.
   314			var tmpl *Template
   315			if t == nil {
   316				t = New(name)
   317			}
   318			if name == t.Name() {
   319				tmpl = t
   320			} else {
   321				tmpl = t.New(name)
   322			}
   323			_, err = tmpl.Parse(s)
   324			if err != nil {
   325				return nil, err
   326			}
   327		}
   328		return t, nil
   329	}
   331	// ParseGlob creates a new Template and parses the template definitions from the
   332	// files identified by the pattern, which must match at least one file. The
   333	// returned template will have the (base) name and (parsed) contents of the
   334	// first file matched by the pattern. ParseGlob is equivalent to calling
   335	// ParseFiles with the list of files matched by the pattern.
   336	func ParseGlob(pattern string) (*Template, error) {
   337		return parseGlob(nil, pattern)
   338	}
   340	// ParseGlob parses the template definitions in the files identified by the
   341	// pattern and associates the resulting templates with t. The pattern is
   342	// processed by filepath.Glob and must match at least one file. ParseGlob is
   343	// equivalent to calling t.ParseFiles with the list of files matched by the
   344	// pattern.
   345	func (t *Template) ParseGlob(pattern string) (*Template, error) {
   346		return parseGlob(t, pattern)
   347	}
   349	// parseGlob is the implementation of the function and method ParseGlob.
   350	func parseGlob(t *Template, pattern string) (*Template, error) {
   351		filenames, err := filepath.Glob(pattern)
   352		if err != nil {
   353			return nil, err
   354		}
   355		if len(filenames) == 0 {
   356			return nil, fmt.Errorf("html/template: pattern matches no files: %#q", pattern)
   357		}
   358		return parseFiles(t, filenames...)
   359	}