src/pkg/html/template/context.go - The Go Programming Language


Source file src/pkg/html/template/context.go

     1	// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2	// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3	// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5	package template
     7	import (
     8		"fmt"
     9	)
    11	// context describes the state an HTML parser must be in when it reaches the
    12	// portion of HTML produced by evaluating a particular template node.
    13	//
    14	// The zero value of type context is the start context for a template that
    15	// produces an HTML fragment as defined at
    16	//
    17	// where the context element is null.
    18	type context struct {
    19		state   state
    20		delim   delim
    21		urlPart urlPart
    22		jsCtx   jsCtx
    23		attr    attr
    24		element element
    25		err     *Error
    26	}
    28	func (c context) String() string {
    29		return fmt.Sprintf("{%v %v %v %v %v %v %v}", c.state, c.delim, c.urlPart, c.jsCtx, c.attr, c.element, c.err)
    30	}
    32	// eq returns whether two contexts are equal.
    33	func (c context) eq(d context) bool {
    34		return c.state == d.state &&
    35			c.delim == d.delim &&
    36			c.urlPart == d.urlPart &&
    37			c.jsCtx == d.jsCtx &&
    38			c.attr == d.attr &&
    39			c.element == d.element &&
    40			c.err == d.err
    41	}
    43	// mangle produces an identifier that includes a suffix that distinguishes it
    44	// from template names mangled with different contexts.
    45	func (c context) mangle(templateName string) string {
    46		// The mangled name for the default context is the input templateName.
    47		if c.state == stateText {
    48			return templateName
    49		}
    50		s := templateName + "$htmltemplate_" + c.state.String()
    51		if c.delim != 0 {
    52			s += "_" + c.delim.String()
    53		}
    54		if c.urlPart != 0 {
    55			s += "_" + c.urlPart.String()
    56		}
    57		if c.jsCtx != 0 {
    58			s += "_" + c.jsCtx.String()
    59		}
    60		if c.attr != 0 {
    61			s += "_" + c.attr.String()
    62		}
    63		if c.element != 0 {
    64			s += "_" + c.element.String()
    65		}
    66		return s
    67	}
    69	// state describes a high-level HTML parser state.
    70	//
    71	// It bounds the top of the element stack, and by extension the HTML insertion
    72	// mode, but also contains state that does not correspond to anything in the
    73	// HTML5 parsing algorithm because a single token production in the HTML
    74	// grammar may contain embedded actions in a template. For instance, the quoted
    75	// HTML attribute produced by
    76	//     <div title="Hello {{.World}}">
    77	// is a single token in HTML's grammar but in a template spans several nodes.
    78	type state uint8
    80	const (
    81		// stateText is parsed character data. An HTML parser is in
    82		// this state when its parse position is outside an HTML tag,
    83		// directive, comment, and special element body.
    84		stateText state = iota
    85		// stateTag occurs before an HTML attribute or the end of a tag.
    86		stateTag
    87		// stateAttrName occurs inside an attribute name.
    88		// It occurs between the ^'s in ` ^name^ = value`.
    89		stateAttrName
    90		// stateAfterName occurs after an attr name has ended but before any
    91		// equals sign. It occurs between the ^'s in ` name^ ^= value`.
    92		stateAfterName
    93		// stateBeforeValue occurs after the equals sign but before the value.
    94		// It occurs between the ^'s in ` name =^ ^value`.
    95		stateBeforeValue
    96		// stateHTMLCmt occurs inside an <!-- HTML comment -->.
    97		stateHTMLCmt
    98		// stateRCDATA occurs inside an RCDATA element (<textarea> or <title>)
    99		// as described at
   100		stateRCDATA
   101		// stateAttr occurs inside an HTML attribute whose content is text.
   102		stateAttr
   103		// stateURL occurs inside an HTML attribute whose content is a URL.
   104		stateURL
   105		// stateJS occurs inside an event handler or script element.
   106		stateJS
   107		// stateJSDqStr occurs inside a JavaScript double quoted string.
   108		stateJSDqStr
   109		// stateJSSqStr occurs inside a JavaScript single quoted string.
   110		stateJSSqStr
   111		// stateJSRegexp occurs inside a JavaScript regexp literal.
   112		stateJSRegexp
   113		// stateJSBlockCmt occurs inside a JavaScript /* block comment */.
   114		stateJSBlockCmt
   115		// stateJSLineCmt occurs inside a JavaScript // line comment.
   116		stateJSLineCmt
   117		// stateCSS occurs inside a <style> element or style attribute.
   118		stateCSS
   119		// stateCSSDqStr occurs inside a CSS double quoted string.
   120		stateCSSDqStr
   121		// stateCSSSqStr occurs inside a CSS single quoted string.
   122		stateCSSSqStr
   123		// stateCSSDqURL occurs inside a CSS double quoted url("...").
   124		stateCSSDqURL
   125		// stateCSSSqURL occurs inside a CSS single quoted url('...').
   126		stateCSSSqURL
   127		// stateCSSURL occurs inside a CSS unquoted url(...).
   128		stateCSSURL
   129		// stateCSSBlockCmt occurs inside a CSS /* block comment */.
   130		stateCSSBlockCmt
   131		// stateCSSLineCmt occurs inside a CSS // line comment.
   132		stateCSSLineCmt
   133		// stateError is an infectious error state outside any valid
   134		// HTML/CSS/JS construct.
   135		stateError
   136	)
   138	var stateNames = [...]string{
   139		stateText:        "stateText",
   140		stateTag:         "stateTag",
   141		stateAttrName:    "stateAttrName",
   142		stateAfterName:   "stateAfterName",
   143		stateBeforeValue: "stateBeforeValue",
   144		stateHTMLCmt:     "stateHTMLCmt",
   145		stateRCDATA:      "stateRCDATA",
   146		stateAttr:        "stateAttr",
   147		stateURL:         "stateURL",
   148		stateJS:          "stateJS",
   149		stateJSDqStr:     "stateJSDqStr",
   150		stateJSSqStr:     "stateJSSqStr",
   151		stateJSRegexp:    "stateJSRegexp",
   152		stateJSBlockCmt:  "stateJSBlockCmt",
   153		stateJSLineCmt:   "stateJSLineCmt",
   154		stateCSS:         "stateCSS",
   155		stateCSSDqStr:    "stateCSSDqStr",
   156		stateCSSSqStr:    "stateCSSSqStr",
   157		stateCSSDqURL:    "stateCSSDqURL",
   158		stateCSSSqURL:    "stateCSSSqURL",
   159		stateCSSURL:      "stateCSSURL",
   160		stateCSSBlockCmt: "stateCSSBlockCmt",
   161		stateCSSLineCmt:  "stateCSSLineCmt",
   162		stateError:       "stateError",
   163	}
   165	func (s state) String() string {
   166		if int(s) < len(stateNames) {
   167			return stateNames[s]
   168		}
   169		return fmt.Sprintf("illegal state %d", int(s))
   170	}
   172	// isComment is true for any state that contains content meant for template
   173	// authors & maintainers, not for end-users or machines.
   174	func isComment(s state) bool {
   175		switch s {
   176		case stateHTMLCmt, stateJSBlockCmt, stateJSLineCmt, stateCSSBlockCmt, stateCSSLineCmt:
   177			return true
   178		}
   179		return false
   180	}
   182	// isInTag return whether s occurs solely inside an HTML tag.
   183	func isInTag(s state) bool {
   184		switch s {
   185		case stateTag, stateAttrName, stateAfterName, stateBeforeValue, stateAttr:
   186			return true
   187		}
   188		return false
   189	}
   191	// delim is the delimiter that will end the current HTML attribute.
   192	type delim uint8
   194	const (
   195		// delimNone occurs outside any attribute.
   196		delimNone delim = iota
   197		// delimDoubleQuote occurs when a double quote (") closes the attribute.
   198		delimDoubleQuote
   199		// delimSingleQuote occurs when a single quote (') closes the attribute.
   200		delimSingleQuote
   201		// delimSpaceOrTagEnd occurs when a space or right angle bracket (>)
   202		// closes the attribute.
   203		delimSpaceOrTagEnd
   204	)
   206	var delimNames = [...]string{
   207		delimNone:          "delimNone",
   208		delimDoubleQuote:   "delimDoubleQuote",
   209		delimSingleQuote:   "delimSingleQuote",
   210		delimSpaceOrTagEnd: "delimSpaceOrTagEnd",
   211	}
   213	func (d delim) String() string {
   214		if int(d) < len(delimNames) {
   215			return delimNames[d]
   216		}
   217		return fmt.Sprintf("illegal delim %d", int(d))
   218	}
   220	// urlPart identifies a part in an RFC 3986 hierarchical URL to allow different
   221	// encoding strategies.
   222	type urlPart uint8
   224	const (
   225		// urlPartNone occurs when not in a URL, or possibly at the start:
   226		// ^ in "^http://auth/path?k=v#frag".
   227		urlPartNone urlPart = iota
   228		// urlPartPreQuery occurs in the scheme, authority, or path; between the
   229		// ^s in "h^ttp://auth/path^?k=v#frag".
   230		urlPartPreQuery
   231		// urlPartQueryOrFrag occurs in the query portion between the ^s in
   232		// "http://auth/path?^k=v#frag^".
   233		urlPartQueryOrFrag
   234		// urlPartUnknown occurs due to joining of contexts both before and
   235		// after the query separator.
   236		urlPartUnknown
   237	)
   239	var urlPartNames = [...]string{
   240		urlPartNone:        "urlPartNone",
   241		urlPartPreQuery:    "urlPartPreQuery",
   242		urlPartQueryOrFrag: "urlPartQueryOrFrag",
   243		urlPartUnknown:     "urlPartUnknown",
   244	}
   246	func (u urlPart) String() string {
   247		if int(u) < len(urlPartNames) {
   248			return urlPartNames[u]
   249		}
   250		return fmt.Sprintf("illegal urlPart %d", int(u))
   251	}
   253	// jsCtx determines whether a '/' starts a regular expression literal or a
   254	// division operator.
   255	type jsCtx uint8
   257	const (
   258		// jsCtxRegexp occurs where a '/' would start a regexp literal.
   259		jsCtxRegexp jsCtx = iota
   260		// jsCtxDivOp occurs where a '/' would start a division operator.
   261		jsCtxDivOp
   262		// jsCtxUnknown occurs where a '/' is ambiguous due to context joining.
   263		jsCtxUnknown
   264	)
   266	func (c jsCtx) String() string {
   267		switch c {
   268		case jsCtxRegexp:
   269			return "jsCtxRegexp"
   270		case jsCtxDivOp:
   271			return "jsCtxDivOp"
   272		case jsCtxUnknown:
   273			return "jsCtxUnknown"
   274		}
   275		return fmt.Sprintf("illegal jsCtx %d", int(c))
   276	}
   278	// element identifies the HTML element when inside a start tag or special body.
   279	// Certain HTML element (for example <script> and <style>) have bodies that are
   280	// treated differently from stateText so the element type is necessary to
   281	// transition into the correct context at the end of a tag and to identify the
   282	// end delimiter for the body.
   283	type element uint8
   285	const (
   286		// elementNone occurs outside a special tag or special element body.
   287		elementNone element = iota
   288		// elementScript corresponds to the raw text <script> element.
   289		elementScript
   290		// elementStyle corresponds to the raw text <style> element.
   291		elementStyle
   292		// elementTextarea corresponds to the RCDATA <textarea> element.
   293		elementTextarea
   294		// elementTitle corresponds to the RCDATA <title> element.
   295		elementTitle
   296	)
   298	var elementNames = [...]string{
   299		elementNone:     "elementNone",
   300		elementScript:   "elementScript",
   301		elementStyle:    "elementStyle",
   302		elementTextarea: "elementTextarea",
   303		elementTitle:    "elementTitle",
   304	}
   306	func (e element) String() string {
   307		if int(e) < len(elementNames) {
   308			return elementNames[e]
   309		}
   310		return fmt.Sprintf("illegal element %d", int(e))
   311	}
   313	// attr identifies the most recent HTML attribute when inside a start tag.
   314	type attr uint8
   316	const (
   317		// attrNone corresponds to a normal attribute or no attribute.
   318		attrNone attr = iota
   319		// attrScript corresponds to an event handler attribute.
   320		attrScript
   321		// attrStyle corresponds to the style attribute whose value is CSS.
   322		attrStyle
   323		// attrURL corresponds to an attribute whose value is a URL.
   324		attrURL
   325	)
   327	var attrNames = [...]string{
   328		attrNone:   "attrNone",
   329		attrScript: "attrScript",
   330		attrStyle:  "attrStyle",
   331		attrURL:    "attrURL",
   332	}
   334	func (a attr) String() string {
   335		if int(a) < len(attrNames) {
   336			return attrNames[a]
   337		}
   338		return fmt.Sprintf("illegal attr %d", int(a))
   339	}