File Lists
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You can instruct Easy Thumbnails to process images based on a file containing a list of filenames, which you specify through a command-line switch. The file can contain a simple list of fully qualified image names with one name per line like the following example:
You can also specify names with wild cards to process all matching files:
c:\My Pictures\*.jpg
c:\My Pictures\*.png
If you want to process all matching files including those in subdirectories, just add a + character in front of the name:
+c:\My Pictures\*.jpg
If you want to add comments in the file, just start each comment line with a semi colon. You can also insert blank lines in your list to group elements if you wish.
;Process all bitmap images
;Process all jpeg images
c:\My Pictures\*.jpg
To simplify the creation of long lists of filenames, you can define a main folder name on the line preceding the files it contains. The folder name must be preceded with an = character. Example:
=c:\My Pictures
If you work with complex folder structures, you can break down the path name even further by preceding the folder name with a + sign. The folder name is then merged with the main folder name preceding it. Example:
=c:\My Pictures\Digital Camera
The above list is equivalent to the following:
c:\My Pictures\Digital Camera\2002_07_15\111-1171_IMG.JPG
c:\My Pictures\Digital Camera\2002_07_15\111-1174_IMG.JPG
c:\My Pictures\Digital Camera\2002_07_15\111-1179_IMG.JPG
c:\My Pictures\Digital Camera\2002_07_17\112-1213_IMG.JPG
c:\My Pictures\Digital Camera\2002_07_17\112-1216_IMG.JPG
You can even specify other file lists by preceding their name with a colon. Note that you cannot use wild cards to specify multiple file lists. Example:
=c:\My Pictures
Use the "/List" switch to specify a file list through the command line. If the filename contains blank characters, make sure you surround them with double quotes. If your file list is called "Images.lst", you would type the following command line (for example through the Windows Run dialog box):
EzThumbs.exe /List="c:\My Documents\Images.lst"