NuGet Package Manager


NuGet Package Manager

  • Hosted TFS Build Agents may disallow software installs. This depends on TFS infrastructure administration policies. They may prohibit the installation of third-party software on host machines
  • Visual Studio Online does not allow software installs
  1. Ensure NuGet repository is configured
    NuGet package manager settings menu item
    NuGet package manager settings window
  2. Install Eazfuscator.NET NuGet package for your solution
    Manage NuGet packages for solution menu item
    Manage NuGet packages for solution

What happens to my projects after Eazfuscator.NET NuGet package has been installed in solution?

  • Project can be protected by dropping to the green zone of Eazfuscator.NET Assistant
  • Project can be unprotected by dropping to the red zone of Eazfuscator.NET Assistant

OK. If Eazfuscator.NET NuGet package does not affect projects' behavior then what it does?

[Important] Important