Long-Term Compatibility


Long-Term Compatibility

Compatibility Version

Obfuscation command line with supplied compatibility version option in post-build event of a project
[Important] Important

Demanding the Specific Version of Eazfuscator.NET

  1. Open obfuscatable project inside the IDE
  2. Add new source file to the project and call it ObfuscationSettings.cs (for C#) or ObfuscationSettings.vb (for Visual Basic .NET). You may prefer to use another name instead of ObfuscationSettings.cs or ObfuscationSettings.vb
  3. using System;
    using System.Reflection;
    [assembly: Obfuscation(Feature = "require eazfuscator.net version >= X.Y")]
    Imports System
    Imports System.Reflection
    <Assembly: Obfuscation(Feature:="require eazfuscator.net version >= X.Y")> 
[Note] Note
[Important] Important

Demanding the specific version from batch script

if /I "$(ConfigurationName)" NEQ "Release" goto SkipObfuscation
Eazfuscator.NET.exe --check-version GEQ X.Y >NUL 2>NUL
if %ErrorLevel% NEQ 0 (
    echo Eazfuscator.NET X.Y or higher is not installed on this machine. Obfuscation failed.
    REM The line below resets error level to 0. Uncomment it if you want to force script to continue execution when no required version of Eazfuscator.NET is present
    REM verify >NUL 2>NUL
) else (
    Eazfuscator.NET.exe "$(TargetPath)" --msbuild-project-path "$(ProjectPath)" --msbuild-project-configuration "$(ConfigurationName)" --msbuild-project-platform "$(PlatformName)" --msbuild-solution-path "$(SolutionPath)" -n --newline-flush -v <compatibility_version>
[Note] Note