Error Codes Knowledge Base


Error Codes Knowledge Base

EF-1099: Unable to load input assembly, reflection load failed

  • Specify a probing path
  • Put a missing assembly near the input file

EF-3035: Assembly or part of it is already obfuscated

  1. Open obfuscatable project inside the IDE
  2. Add new source file to the project and call it ObfuscationSettings.cs (for C#) or ObfuscationSettings.vb (for Visual Basic .NET). You may prefer to use another name instead of ObfuscationSettings.cs or ObfuscationSettings.vb
  3. using System;
    using System.Reflection;
    [assembly: Obfuscation(Feature = "ignore error EF-3035", StripAfterObfuscation = false)]
    Imports System
    Imports System.Reflection
    <Assembly: Obfuscation(Feature:="ignore error EF-3035", StripAfterObfuscation:=False)>