Applying Drive View
Connect PC ’s communication port (RS232) with AC Driver ’s communication terminal by using RS232/485 converter.
- nverter address can be set any number between 1 ~ 31, and each AC Driver ’s address should be different from one another.
- Suggest to use RS232/485 converter with TXENABLE signal automatic reproducer and Isolated signal model.
- All AC Driver ’s baud rate(BPS) setting should be same.
- In order to get less affected by noise, need to use terminal resistor at the end of AC Driver side of terminal.
Basic specification
- Communication method : RS485 (LG AC Driver's protocol)
- Communication speed : 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 [BPS]
- Max Up to 31
- 8 Data bit,1 Stop bit,No parity
- AC Driver type : SV-iS3, SV-iS5, SV-iG5, SV-iH, SV-iV5
- Windows95/98/2000