ViewStateProviderService Class

Design Pattern Framework 3.5

Design Pattern Framework 3.5 ViewStateProviderService Class
Patterns-In-Action! ApplicationViewStateViewStateProviderService
ViewStateProviderService makes the viewstate providers available to the client. This includes loading the providers declared in the web.config file.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic
public static class ViewStateProviderService
Public NotInheritable Class ViewStateProviderService
All Members Methods

Icon Member Description
Retrieves the viewstate information from the appropriate viewstate provider. Implements Lazy Load Design Pattern.

SavePageState(String, Object)
Saves any view or control state information to the appropriate viewstate provider.

Enterprise Design Patterns: Lazy Load. The Lazy Load Design Pattern is implemented by the LoadProviders() method. It only loads and creates the viewstate providers when the LoadPageState and the SavePageState methods are called. The LoadProviders() method coule have been called in the static constructor(Shared constructor in VB) which would turn the "Lazy Load" into a socalled "Eager Load".
Inheritance Hierarchy

Assembly: ViewState (Module: ViewState) Version: (