ActionService.MessageBase Namespace

Design Pattern Framework 3.5

Design Pattern Framework 3.5 ActionService.MessageBase Namespace
Patterns-In-Action! ApplicationActionService.MessageBase
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic
namespace ActionService.MessageBase
Namespace ActionService.MessageBase
All Types Classes Enumerations
Icon Type Description
Enumeration of message response acknowledgements. This is a simple enumerated values indicating success of failure.

Enumeration of database persistence actions. (Also called CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete). SOA Design Pattern: Command Message. Basically this in an instruction or command to the receiver which operatin to execute.

Base class for all client request messages of the web service. It standardizes communication between web services and clients with a series of common values. Derived request message classes assign values to these variables. There are no default values.

Base class for all response messages to clients of the web service. It standardizes communication between web services and clients with a series of common values and their initial defaults. Derived response message classes can override the default values if necessary.