DoActionAndClose Method (client, action)

Design Pattern Framework 3.5

Design Pattern Framework 3.5 DoActionAndClose<(Of <(T>)>) Method (client, action)
Patterns-In-Action! ApplicationWCFProxySafeProxyDoActionAndClose<(Of <(T>)>)(T, Action<(Of <(T>)>))
Used in environments where WCF proxies are created and closed all the time. In case something goes wrong it aborts (immediately closes) the communications.
Declaration Syntax
C# Visual Basic
public static void DoActionAndClose<T>(
	T client,
	Action<T> action
where T : ICommunicationObject
Public Shared Sub DoActionAndClose(Of T As ICommunicationObject) ( _
	client As T, _
	action As Action(Of T) _
Generic Template Parameters
Type parameter.
client (T)
The client.
action (Action<(Of <(T>)>))
The typed action.
Design Pattern: Proxy As an alternative one could implement proxy pooling to increase performance.

Assembly: WCFProxy (Module: WCFProxy) Version: (