
Decal Framework

User Manual > Interface >




Material of decal.



If true , will be generated second UVs.



If true , source tangents will be stored (packed) in decal Mesh.colors array. This function used for combining bump of decal with bump of source surface.



If true, will be generated BoneWeigths . This must be always true whan you make skinned decals.



Type of UV generation for decal.

  • Projective. Usual planar projection coords.
  • Preserve. Preserve tex coords from source surface.
  • Normalized . Preserve tex coords from source surface and normalize it.



Type of second UV generation for decal.


UV Offset

Offset for tex coords. Similar to offset in material setups.


UV Scale

Scale for tex coords. Similar to tiling in material setups.


Bone Weight Quality

Skinning quality. Similar to Quality in SkinnedMeshRenderer component.


Mesh Offset

How much every vertex will be offset along normal direction. You can use this option to avoid artifacts of depth testing with Offset -1 -1 in your shader .


Normal Test Threshold

Very critical for the performance parameterIf angle between normal vertices and direction of decals will be more than this, then this vertex will not be taken into account when calculating the mesh decals. Thus the final stage of mesh generation, we will handle the lesser number of vertices and triangles. For example:

  • For flatten decals as bullet holes it must be 10 degrees
  • For blood splatters it must be much more that 10 degrees


Tile U / Tile V (Only for Dynamic , Dynamic Skinned Decals)

If you use a texture atlas for decals, you can use this option to install a random shift in the generation of texture coordinates. Each parameter specifies the texture number of samples in each direction, just as in the component particle renderer.


Random Mode (Only for Dynamic , Dynamic Skinned Decals)

The type of randomize for decal size.

  • None - no randomize
  • Evenly - randomize will be evenly in each direction X Y Z
  • PerComponent  - randomize will be per component in each direction X Y Z


Random Size (Only for Dynamic , Dynamic Skinned Decals)

Using with RandomMode.Evenly. Amount of randomize size +/-.


Random Vector (Only for Dynamic , Dynamic Skinned Decals)

Using with RandomMode.PerComponent . Amount of randomize size per component+/-.


Combine Every (Only for Dynamic Decals)

To improve performance decal Expeditor periodically combines all uncombined decals on the object. This parameter define how fast decals will be combined. I.e. after every decal creation if (AllDecalCount%CombineEvery= = 0)  all uncombined decals will be combined in one mesh

NOTE! Combining of skinned decals happens after every decal creation.


Destroy Generation Delay (Only for Dynamic Decals)

This parameter indicates when decals will start destroy. I.e. If Combine Every = 10, and Destroy Generation Delay = 3 after the third combination of the first 10 decals will be sent to destroy .

If you want to combining perform every decal creation set CombineEvery = 1  and Destroy Generation Delay = 100 for example.


Max Skinned Decals  (Only for Dynamic Skinned Decals)

Max count of skinned decals. Adding skinned decals performs as "Last In First Out". I.e for example if Max Skinned Decals = 4 than after 5 decals creation first decal will be destroyed, after 6 decals creation second decal will be destroyed etc...


Fade Decal  (Only for Dynamic Decals)

If true , before destroy decal will be smooth faded. This works only with alpha blended shaders.

NOTE! Skinned decals can not be fade.


Fading Time  (Only for Dynamic Decals)

Time for fading decal in sec.


Expeditor LifeTime  (Only for Dynamic , Dynamic Skinned Decals)

Parameter shows how long Expeditor and all decals will be alive after last decal added. For example if Expeditor LifeTime = 60 than after 60 sec since last decal added Expeditor and all decals will be destroyed. After ecery decal creation timer is reset. 


Dynamic Decal Layer  (Only for Dynamic , Dynamic Skinned Decals)

Layed for dynamic decals and expeditors.


Flow (Only for Dynamic)

Set fluid settings enable.


Gravity Vector  (Only for Dynamic)

Vector of gravity in world space.


Render Target Size  (Only for Dynamic)

Size of render target wich used for rendering gravity map of fluid decal. 


Min Level (Only for Dynamic)

Minimal level of fluid. 


Increase Speed (Only for Dynamic)

How fast fluid increased due gravitation in particular pixel. 


Decrease Speed (Only for Dynamic)

How fast fluid decreased due gravitation in particular pixel. 


Glue (Only for Dynamic)

Fluid viscosity


Bump contribution (Only for Dynamic)

How hard source bump will be affect on fluid flow


Level grow frames count (Only for Dynamic)

How long level will be grow when decals created


Grow speed (Only for Dynamic)

Grow increment per frame


Life time (Only for Dynamic)

Fluid decal life time .


Flow Type (Only for Dynamic)

  • Drop
  • Spread

Gravity Shader(Only for Dynamic)

Shader for gravity map rendering .

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