Chromakey Attribute | Internet Development Index |
Defines the color value of the image that will be treated as transparent. Read/write VgColor.
Applies To
Tag Syntax
<v: element chromakey="expression">
Script Syntax
Use this attribute to make parts of an image transparent by keying the transparency to a specific color. For example, if you make the Chromakey value black, then any portion of the image that is black will be transparent, and the fill color will "show through" that portion of the image.
VML Standard Attribute
The areas of the image that are solid black will become transparent, allowing the green fill color to show through those areas instead.
<v:shape id="rect01" coordorigin="0 0" coordsize="200 200" strokecolor="red" fillcolor="green" style="top:1;left:1;width:300;height:200" path="m 1,1 l 1,200, 200,200, 200,1 x e"> <v:imagedata chromakey="black" src="kids.jpg"/> </v:shape>