Locks Element


Locks Element

Internet Development Index

Defines a lock for a shape.

The following attributes modify a lock.

AdjustHandlesDetermines whether the handles of a shape can be edited.
AspectRatioDetermines whether the aspect ratio of a shape can be changed by an editor.
CroppingDetermines whether cropping will be allowed in an editor.
ExtDefines the behavior of locking actions for a graphical editor.
GroupingDetermines whether shapes can be grouped in an editor.
PositionDetermines whether the position of a shape is locked in an editor.
RotationDetermines whether rotation of shapes will be allowed in an editor.
SelectionDetermines whether the shape is selectable in an editor.
ShapeTypeDetermines whether the AutoShapes type can be changed by an editor.
TextDetermines whether the text attached to a shape can be edited.
VerticesDetermines whether the vertices of a path can be changed by an editor.


This element must be defined within a Shape element.

The Locks element is a Microsoft Office Extension to VML.