Reverse Engineering Option Configuration

C++ Add-In

Reverse Engineering Option Configuration

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Reverse Engineering Option Configuration Screen

This is the screen for configuring the options required for C++ reverse engineering.


Model Generation

Model Generation includes various options for model generation.



Omit field initial value for data member

Does not include the initial data member value in the Attribute model information.


Specifies whether to generate class and interface members with public visibility.


Specifies whether to generate class and interface members with protected visibility.


Specifies whether to generate class and interface members with private visibility.

Reference Data Member Generation

Reference Data Member Generation specifies generation methods for reference fields when generating models.



Create the data member to the Attribute

Specifies whether to generate C++ data members as attribute elements.

Create the data member to the Association

Specifies whether to generate C++ data members as association elements.


Diagram specifies diagram generation and the default generation names.



Create Overview diagram

Specifies whether to create Overview diagram when generating model. If not selected, all options related to diagram and views are ignored.

The name of diagram

Specifies names for Overview diagram generation. The string %s is automatically replaced by the package name (e.g. Overview of %s).


View specifies view-related options after model generation.



Suppress the Attribute compartment

Suppresses the attribute compartment of class models.

Suppress the Operation compartment

Suppresses the operation compartment of the class models.

Hide operation signatures

Specifies whether to display all signatures for operation elements.

Generate generalization and realization views only

Specifies whether to generate generalization and realization views only for the models generated. This option is useful if used with other view options to express inheritance relations between classes and interfaces within the package.