Topology Variables

AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Topology Variables

Topology variables store properties for topologies, which are created by tpm_mntbuild and the topology analysys functions, tpm_ana[xx].

Topology variables are a subset of the configuration variables data structure.

BUILD_TOL Tolerance for topology building, buffering, and other processes (positive real).
Default = 0.01
CNTR_COLOR Color for new centroids, an AutoCAD color index (integer).
Negative integer = Current color
Default = -1
See Color Index Colors.
CNTR_LAYER Layer name for new centroids (string).
nil = Current layer
Default = ""
CNTR_TYPE Entity type of new centroids (integer).
1 = Point (default)
2 = Block
CNTR_BLOCK Block name for new centroids (string).
Default = ""
CREATE_CNTR Flag for centroids generation (integer).
1 = Generate (default)
0 = Do not generate
CREATE_MARKERS Whether errors should be marked with persistent markers as drawn by tpm_cleanerrormark (integer).
0 = Do not mark (default)
1 = Mark
Marker shapes are set by MARKER_HEIGHT and the [XX]_MARKER cleanup variables.
CREATE_NODE Flag for nodes generation (integer).
1 = Generate (default)
0 = Do not generate
CREATE_VIEW Whether errors should be marked with temporary markers as drawn by tpm_cleanerrordraw
0 = Do not mark
1 = Mark (default)
DEF_OFFSET Default offset (real).
Use when offset value cannot be calculated for an object, for example, if the object lacks necessary object data.
Default = 1.0
DUPLICATE_CENTROID_COLOR Marker color for duplicate centroid errors, an AutoCAD color index (integer).
Default = 1 (red)
See Color Index Colors.
DUPLICATE_CENTROID_MARKER Marker shape for duplicate centroid errors (integer). See Marker Shapes.
Default = 4 (square)
IGNORE_INCOMPLETE_AREA What to do if links are encountered that do not belong to any polygon (integer).
1 = Ignore them
0 = Cancel topology creation process (default)
INCOMPLETE_AREA_COLOR Marker color for incomplete area errors, an AutoCAD color index (integer).
Default = 2 (yellow)
See Color Index Colors.
INCOMPLETE_AREA_MARKER Marker shape for incomplete area errors (integer). See Marker Shapes.
Default = 2 (triangle)
INTERSECTION_COLOR Marker color for intersection errors, an AutoCAD color index (integer).
Default = 3 (green)
See Color Index Colors.
INTERSECTION_MARKER Marker shape for intersection errors (integer). See Marker Shapes.
Default = 1 (octagon)
MISSING_CENTROID_COLOR Marker color for missing centroid errors, an AutoCAD color index (integer).
Default = 4 (cyan)
See Color Index Colors.
MISSING_CENTROID_MARKER Marker shape for missing centroid errors (integer). See Marker Shapes.
Default = 3 (rhombus)
NODE_BLOCK Block name for new nodes (string). Default = ""
NODE_COLOR Color for new nodes, an AutoCAD color index (integer):
Negative integer = The current color
Default = -1
See Color Index Colors.
NODE_LAYER Layer name for new nodes (string):
nil The current layer
Default = ""
NODE_TYPE Entity type of new nodes (integer):
1 Point (default)
STOP_AT_MISSING_CNTR What to do if a polygon has no centroid (integer):
0 Create a centroid (default)
1 Cancel topology creation process
STOP_AT_MULTIPLE_CNTR What to do if a polygon has more than one centroid (integer):
0 Designate one centroid
1 Cancel topology creation process (default)