Color Index Colors

AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Color Index Colors

Valid color index values are integers from 0 through 256. You can also use color names or the logical colors, ByBlock and ByLayer.

AutoCAD Map also supports true color.

Named Colors

Indexes 1 through 7 are the named colors. You can specify any of these colors by name or by index. Index 7, the color named white, displays as white or black depending on background color.

1 Red
2 Yellow
3 Green
4 Cyan
5 Blue
6 Magenta
7 White

Note You can specify ACI colors in query conditions using color names or color indexes. But if you retrieve such a condition, ACI colors are always reported as color indexes, because that is how they are stored, even if they were originally specified with color names. However, this is not the case with color patterns. If you retrieve a condition using a color pattern, whether it contains color indexes, color names, or both, the color pattern is reported as it was originally specified.

Other Colors

Indexes 8 and 9 (a dark gray and a light gray), together with the named colors, are collectively the standard colors. Indexes 0 and 256 (the logical colors, ByBlock and ByLayer) invoke the relevant block and layer colors respectively. Note that ByBlock and ByLayer can return ACIs or true colors.

For more information
  1. In AutoCAD Map, click Format > Color.
  2. In the Select Color dialog box, click Help.