
AutoCAD Map 3D AutoLISP

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Gets a record ID.

(ade_odgetrecord ename table recnum)

Returns a record ID (real) or nil.

ename AutoCAD object name.
table Table name (string)
recnum Record number (integer); the first record number is 0

The function assigns an ID to the record uniquely determined by the three arguments. Later you can use this record ID with ade_odgetrecfield to return the value of a particular field of this record. This means of getting an object data field value is generally faster than any other.

Three arguments are necessary because an AutoCAD object can be associated with more than one record in a table, in which case the records are distinguished by their record numbers. If there is only one record, its number is 0. For more information about records and record numbers, see ade_odaddrecord.