


Display Manager provides a way to organize and style layers in AutoCAD Map 3D.

NoteThe Display Manager API only manages layers that contain drawing objects. To manage layers containing FDO data use the Geospatial Platform API. See the Geospatial Platform Developer’s Guide and the Geospatial Platform API Reference for details.

Each project has its own map manager, which is represented by a DisplayManagement.MapManager object. To get the map manager for a project, perform the following steps:

trans = activeDoc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
Dim managerId As ObjectId
Dim manager As MapManager = Nothing
managerId = DisplayManager.Create(activeProject).MapManagerId( _
  activeProject, True)
manager = trans.GetObject(managerId, OpenMode.ForRead)

A single project can contain multiple maps. MapManager.GetEnumerator() returns an enumerator that steps through the maps in the project. The properties MapManager.CurrentMapId and MapManager.Current get or set the current map.

A map (DisplayManagement.Map object) is sub-classed from DisplayManagement.Group, which represents any group of elements in Display Manager. Maps can contain layers and more groups.