Drive Aliases


Drive Aliases

Attached drawings are often shared between different users on different computers. Because of this, the paths to the attached drawings can be different for each user. Aliases help manage these files.

Each alias maps an alias name to a directory path. Each AutoCAD Map 3D user can define different paths for the aliases. The locations of attached drawings are always identified using the aliases, so users can have different paths to the atttached drawings, as long as the aliases are the same.

The DriveAlias class in the Autodesk.Gis.Map namespace represents an individual alias. It has two properties: Name and Path.

The Aliases property of the map application returns an Aliases object for managing the aliases in the session. Aliases.Item() returns an individual drive alias, either by alias name or index number.

Dim aliasList As Aliases
aliasList = mapApp.Aliases

Aliases objects have methods for adding and removing aliases, and event handlers for detecting when aliases have been added or removed.