


Exporting is similar to importing, with some small differences.

To select which drawing objects should be exported, call Exporter.SetSelectionSet(). To export all drawing objects, set Exporter.ExportAll to true. To filter the list of objects, set the Exporter.FeatureClassFilter or Exporter.LayerFilter properties.

The Exporter object does not have a property corresponding to InputLayer. The mappings for attribute data are set using Exporter.SetExportDataMappings(). This requires an ExpressionTargetCollection parameter as input.

Items in an ExpressionTargetCollection object are name-value pairs, where the name corresponds to an object data expression and the value is the attribute name in the exported file. For details about object data expressions see Expressions in Annotations or the Map 3D Help.

Export Events

The RecordReadyForExport event handler is similar to RecordReadyForImport. To stop the export of a record, set RecordReadyForExport.ContinueExport to false.