Slide Library Files

AutoCAD DXF Format

Slide Library Files

This section describes the format of AutoCAD slide libraries (Release 9 and later) for the benefit of developers who wish to incorporate support for slide libraries into their programs.

The general format of a slide library is as follows:

"AutoCAD Slide Library 1.0" CR LF ^Z NUL NUL NUL NUL  Header (32 bytes)
 One or more slide directory
entries (36 bytes each) 
 One or more slides
(variable length) 

Slide directory entries have the following format:

 Slide name (NUL terminated)
(32 bytes) 
 Address of slide within
library file (4 bytes) 

The slide address is always written with the low-order byte first. Each slide to which the directory points is a complete slide file as described in the previous section. The end of the slide directory is signified by an entry with a null slide name (first byte is NUL). A slide library can contain a mixture of old-format and new-format slides.