Raster Configuration Information (Raster)


Raster Configuration Information (Raster)

Specifies information for configuring output to raster format files.

This section provides specific information for configuring output to raster format files.

This nonsystem driver supports several raster file formats including Windows BMP, CALS, TIFF, PNG, TGA, PCX, and JPEG. The Raster driver is most commonly used to plot to files for desktop publishing.

All but one of the formats supported by this driver produce "dimensionless" raster files that have size in pixels but do not have size in inches or millimeters. The Dimensional CALS format is for plotters that can accept CALS files. If your plotter accepts CALS files, you must specify a real paper size and resolution. Specify the resolution in dots per inch in the Vector Graphics pane of the Plotter Configuration Editor.

By default, this driver only plots to file. However, you can choose Show All Ports on the Ports page of the Add-a-Plotter wizard or the Ports tab in the Plotter Configuration Editor; all of the ports on your computer are then available for configuration. When configured for plotting to a port, this driver plots to a file and then copies that file to the specified port. To plot successfully, make sure that the device connected to the configured port can accept and process the file. For more information, refer to the documentation provided by the device manufacturer.

The type, size, and color depth of the raster file determines the final file size. If your computer has enough memory and disk space, you can produce a file thousands of megabytes in size that requires several days to plot. When selecting a raster size, reduce file size by using the lowest color depth you need. For more information, see Required Memory and Disk Space for Temporary Files.

You can configure the background color for raster plots in the Custom Properties dialog box in the Plotter Configuration Editor. If you change the background color, any objects plotted in that color are invisible.