Ant Renamer 2 Help

Ant Renamer 2

Options window

This window is accessible through the Options "Options" icon of the main window. It is divided in four pages:


  • Real-time update when renaming files : The lists contents are updated each time a file is renamed. It is quite slower if you rename thousands of files or on a slow machine.
  • Auto-resize columns of Files list : When enabled, the program will always try to fit the columns of Files list (main window) in the width of the window.
  • Show icons in files list, based on file extension : Displays icons on the left of the items of the Files list. It may slow down a little the scrolling of the list, and since each ".exe" file has its own icon it may be quite slow for files coming from a network drive for example.
  • Force the following font for controls that have to display special characters : Allows to specify the font to use for the fields that may contain unicode characters, including Files and Log lists. If available, the fond "Arial Unicode MS" is used by default. Click here for more information.
  • Number of values to keep in history : The drop-down lists remember the last text strings that you used. You can specify here how much strings have to be kept (0 = none).
  • Autocomplete with history values when typing : When you type the text, if it has the same beginning than an existing item of the history this item will be copied in the field (the part you did not type is selected, so you can continue to type to overwrite it).
  • Icon set : Icon set to use for toolbars. The program includes a set called "Scrows". Additional files can be put in the "Toolbars" folder. Default installation includes two additional sets: "Windows XP" and "Windows XP Large" (the second one is the same but it has larger icons).

Files & Folders

  • Do not ask what to do, always use the following options : Prevents from displaying a window each time you drag & drop files to Ant Renamer window. You can specify here the options instead of having to select them each time. These options are detailed in the chapter "Adding files & folders".
  • Launch file on double click : If this option is enabled, when you double-click on a file from the Files list it will be opened like if you double-clicked it in Windows Explorer.


  • Copy instead of Rename : Though the program is designed for renaming file, it can sometimes be useful to copy the files to a new name instead of rename them.
  • Generate log : If this is disabled, the Log page of the main window will not be filled with all the files processed.
  • Force directories : A "\" character is not valid in a file name since it is used as path delimited (e.g. c:\Program Files\Ant Renamer\Renamer.exe). So when a "\" is found in a file name the part before the "\" is considered as a folder. To be able to move the file to this folder, it must exist. If this option is checked, before renaming/moving each file the program will check that the folder exists, and will create it if it is not found.
  • Detect a ":\" or "\\" as an absolute path : When this option is enabled, if the new file name begins by "x:\" (x = any letter) or by "\\", then the old path will not be added in front on it. This allows to move the files anywhere by giving the full path as new file name.
  • Consider the last "." in a folder name as extension delimiter like for files : By default this option is disabled, as usually in modern Windows environment the folders do not have extensions like files do; in such case, the folder names are treated like files that do not have an extension. If the option is enabled, all what follows the last dot in a folder name will be considered as an extension, as it is done on files. This affects the behaviour of the options "Include extension" and "Apply to extension instead of name in several actions.


  • When renaming starts : Allows to define what to do before starting to rename files, when you click the "Go" button.
  • When renaming ends : Allows to define what to do when renaming process is complete. The "Save log to file" option allows to store the log contents to a file. See "Log page" for more information.


  • In this page you can select the language to use in the user interface.
  • Except for English, the langages can only be displayed correctly if your PC is configured to use the same character set than the langage uses. This depends of the settings defined in the "Regional and language options" of Windows' Control Panel.