Command SMTP_QuickSend

4D Internet Commands


version 6.5

SMTP_QuickSend (hostName; msgFrom; msgTo; subject; message) Integer

hostNameStringHost name or IP address
msgFromTextMailAddress or AddressList
msgToTextMailAddress or AddressList

Function result Integer Error Code


The SMTP_QuickSend command gives the users the ability to build and send a mail message with one command. In the event that you require greater control over your message, or the message is of a more sophisticated nature, the group of SMTP commands based on the SMTP_New command should be utilized.

hostName is the host name or IP address of the SMTP server where the message will be sent for distribution.

msgFrom is a text value containing an AddressList of one or more complete mail addresses indicating who originally sent the message. All addresses listed in the From header are visible to the recipients of the message.

msgTo contains an AddressList value of one or more complete mail addresses. The addresses identified in the msgTo header will each be sent an original copy of the message. Each recipient of the message will see any other mail addresses the message was delivered to.

subject is a text value concisely describing the topic covered in detail by the message body.

Warning: Usually, the subject of the message should not contain characters with diacritical marks (such as é, ö, etc.). However, if you want to use such "extended" characters, refer to the SMTP_SetPrefs and SMTP_Charset command descriptions.

message is a text value containing the body of the mail message. The size of the message is restricted to the 32k limit of a 4th Dimension variable or field.


Here is an example of use of this command:

   $ToAddress:="[email protected]"
   $FromAddress:="[email protected]"
   $Subject:="Sales Report"
   $Message:="Can you send me the sales report for January 2000? Thanks."
   $Error:=SMTP_QuickSend ($Host;$FromAddress;$ToAddress;$Subject;$Message)
   If ($Error#0)
      ALERT("Error:  SMTP_QuickSend"+ Char(13)+IT_ErrorText ($Error))
   End If  

See Also

SMTP_Charset, SMTP_New, SMTP_SetPrefs.