Command SMTP_Body

4D Internet Commands


version 6.5

SMTP_Body (smtp_ID; msgBody{; deleteOption}) Integer

smtp_IDLongintMessage reference
msgBodyTextBody of message
deleteOptionInteger0 = Replace (if msgBody not empty),
1 = Delete, 2 = Append

Function result Integer Error Code


The SMTP_Body command assigns the text in msgBody to the main body section of the mail message identified by smtp_ID. The msgBody is the main block of text.

smtp_ID is the long integer reference to the mail message created with the SMTP_New command.

msgBody is a text value which contains the body of the message. The size of msgBody is restricted to the 32K limit of a 4D text object. This does not mean that the mail message itself has a 32K limit. In order to send a letter whose body is greater than 32K, you must use the Append flag of the deleteOption parameter (see below). The actual size limitation of a mail message body is limited only by available memory.

Warning: Usually, the body of the message should not contain characters with diacritical marks (such as é, ö, etc.). However, if you want to use such "extended" characters, refer to the SMTP_SetPrefs and SMTP_Charset command descriptions.

deleteOption is an integer value which specifies whether to delete the body of the message referenced by smtp_ID:

• A value of zero will set the body to the provided text string, overriding any prior settings (if you pass an empty string in msgBody, the prior text will be used).

• A value of 1 will set the body to the provided text string, overriding any prior settings (if you pass an empty string in msgBody, the body of the message will be deleted).

• A value of 2 will append the text in msgBody to any text that had already been sent by a previous call to SMTP_Body.

deleteOption is an optional parameter which will default to zero if not otherwise specified.


Here is a complete SMTP example:

   $SentOK:=False   `A flag to indicate if we made it through all of the commands
   Case of 
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_New";SMTP_New ($SMTP_ID))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Host";SMTP_Host ($SMTP_ID;<>pref_Server))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_From";SMTP_From ($SMTP_ID;vFrom))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_To";SMTP_To ($SMTP_ID;vTo))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Cc";SMTP_Cc ($SMTP_ID;vCC))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Bcc";SMTP_Bcc ($SMTP_ID;vBcc))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Subject";SMTP_Subject ($SMTP_ID;vSubject))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Comments";SMTP_Comments ($SMTP_ID;"Sent via 4D"))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_AddHeader";SMTP_AddHeader ($SMTP_ID;"X-4Ddemo:";<>VERSION))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Body";SMTP_Body ($SMTP_ID;vMessage))))
      : (Not(ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Send";SMTP_Send ($SMTP_ID))))
      $SentOK:=True  `message was composed and mailed successfully
   End case 

   If ($SMTP_ID#0)  `If a Message Envelope was created we should clear it now
      $OK:=ERRCHECK ("SMTP_Clear";SMTP_Clear ($SMTP_ID))
   End if 

Note: For more information about this particular use of the Case of structure, please refer to Appendix A, Programming Tips.

Below is the code for the method ERRCHECK. This method takes two parameters, the name of the command ($Command), and the error value (passed by executing the command in the parameter of the method. ERRCHECK returns a boolean value corresponding to whether the error was zero. If the error is not zero, the return value ($0) gets false, otherwise it is true.

   If ($Error#0)
      If (<>SHOWERRORS)  `Boolean to determine whether to display error messages
         vErrorMsg:=IT_ErrorText ($Error)
         ALERT("ERROR ---"+Char(13)+"Command: "+$Command+Char(13)+"Error
                        Code:"+String($Error)+Char(13)+"Description: "+vErrorMsg)
      End if 
   End if 

See Also

SMTP_Charset, SMTP_New, SMTP_SetPrefs.