Command SMTP_Send

4D Internet Commands


version 6.5

SMTP_Send (smtp_ID) Integer

smtp_IDLongintMessage reference

Function result Integer Error Code


The SMTP_Send command sends the message referenced by smtp_ID but does not clear the data from memory.

smtp_ID is the long integer reference to the mail message created with the SMTP_New command.


In this example a message is created and the static elements are defined outside the scope of the 'for' loop. Then, for each record in the [People] table, the message is customized and sent.

   $error:=SMTP_New ($smtp_id)
   $error:=SMTP_Host ($smtp_id;"")
   $error:=SMTP_From ($smtp_id;"[email protected]")
   $error:=SMTP_ReplyTo ($smtp_id;"[email protected]")
   $error:=SMTP_Subject ($smtp_id;"Discounts on Ad Space!")
   FIRST RECORD([People])
   For($i;1;Records in Selection([People]))
      If ([People]Sales2Date>100000)
      End if
      $Body:=Replace String ($BoilerPlate;"<Salutation>";[People]Firstname)
      $error:=SMTP_To ($smtp_id;[People]Email;1)   `Replace the "To" header with new value
      $error:=SMTP_Body ($smtp_id;$Body)
      $error:=SMTP_Send ($smtp_id)
      NEXT RECORD([People])
   End for 
   $error:=SMTP_Clear ($smtp_id)

See Also