Command IT_MacTCPInit

4D Internet Commands


version 6.8.1 (Modified)

IT_MacTCPInit Integer

This command does not require any parameters

Function result Integer Error Code


The IT_MacTCPInit command opens the TCP driver for use with the 4D Internet Commands. The command acts as a function and returns an integer value error if the TCP driver cannot be opened.

It is recommended that users place this command in the On Startup Database Method of their 4th Dimension database if they are not dial-up scheme users. In this case, the command only needs to be executed once.

Users of dial-up schemes which are utilized by TCP such as PPP or SLIP may wish to delay use of this command until a TCP connection is needed as use of this command will cause these commands to open and initialize their dial-up connection (see IT_PPPStatus command).

Note: This command must be executed before any 4D Internet command can be executed.

See Also
