
Extended Stored Procedure Programming

Extended Stored Procedure Programming


Returns the database name component for the current remote stored procedure.

Important  This Open Data Services function or macro is only supported in Microsoft® SQL Server™ version 7.0 for backward compatibility.

For more information about Open Data Services functions or macros supported for backward compatibility, see Open Data Services (Level 3).


DBCHAR * srv_rpcdb ( SRV_PROC srvproc,
int * len );



Is a pointer to the SRV_PROC structure that is the handle for a particular client connection. The structure contains information the ODS Library uses to manage communication and data between the Open Data Services server application and the client.


Is a pointer to an int variable that receives the length of the database name. If len is NULL, the length of the database name is not returned.


A DBCHAR pointer to the null-terminated string for the database name part of the current remote stored procedure. If there is no current remote stored procedure, NULL is returned and the len parameter is set to  - 1.


This function returns only the database component of the remote stored procedure object name. It does not include the optional specifiers for owner, remote stored procedure name, and remote stored procedure number.