
Far Manager Macro System


val, tp = Far.GetConfig (keyname)

  keyname: string

  val:     boolean, string, number, or int64
             This is the value of the queried configuration setting.
             The type conversions between Far Manager and Lua are done in the following way:
               boolean -> boolean
               3-state -> 0,1,2 are converted respectively into false,true,"other"
               string  -> string
               integer -> number (if non-lossy conversion is possible), or
                          userdata (int64) - a value created by the bit64 library.

  tp:      string ("boolean", "3-state", "string", "integer")
             The type of the original value in Far Manager.

  In cases of failure (e.g an invalid argument, or Far Manager did not find
  the specified option) this function raises an error.