Adding items to plugins' menus

Far Manager Macro System

Adding items to plugins' menus

Like the regular macros, the added menu items are loaded from Lua- and MoonScript-files, residing in the directory %FARPROFILE%\Macros\scripts and its subdirectories.

A menu item is loaded by the global function MenuItem that takes one argument – a table with parameters. The function returns true on success.

MenuItem {
  description = "Menu item";                        -- string (optional field)
  menu   = "Plugins Disks Config";                  -- string
  area   = "Shell Editor Viewer Dialog Menu";       -- string (optional field)
  guid   = "A435D567-AD64-4DD1-8C61-28CB90358817";  -- string
  text   = function(menu,area) return "Hello!" end; -- string, or function
  action = function(OpenFrom,Item) ...... end;      -- function

The fields description and area are optional with the default values being an empty string. Other fields are mandatory.

  • The field menu is the list of Far Manager menus the given menu item should be added to. The valid values of list elements are "Plugins", "Disks" and "Config" that stand for plugins menu, disk menu and plugins configuration menu respectively.

  • The field area is the list of areas, where the given menu item should be added to the plugins menu when it is envoked. This field is used only if the field menu contains Plugins. The valid values of list elements coincide with the names of macro areas.

  • The field guid contains a unique identifier (GUID) of the given menu item.

  • The field text: if it is a string then that string is used as the menu item’s text.
    Otherwise it should be a function. The menu item is added only if the function returned a string value.
    The function receives 2 arguments:

    1. menu – type of the menu (either of: "Plugins", "Disks" or "Config")
    2. area – name of the current macroarea.

  • The field action is the function that is called upon activation of the given menu item. It takes the same arguments as the function export.Open (see luafar_manual.chm), except Guid. If the function is called from the plugins configuration menu then both the arguments have nil value. The returned value is not used.