Loading macrofiles

Far Manager Macro System

Loading macrofiles

  • Regular macros and event handlers are loaded from Lua-files (extension *.lua) and/or MoonScript files (extension *.moon). Further we will call these files macrofiles. The macros are loaded when macrofiles are executed by LuaMacro plugin.

  • Macrofiles are loaded from sequence of directories (recursively with their subdirectories), determined by one of the following ways (in order of priorities):

    1. A sequence of directories, specified explicitly (in a command or a function argument)
    2. The value of MacroPath variable in the file luamacro.ini
    3. The directory %FARPROFILE%\Macros\scripts

  • Far Manager itself never makes any changes to the above mentioned directories. The files are added, removed, renamed and edited solely by the user.

  • One macrofile can contain arbitrary number of macros and event handlers.

  • When a macrofile is executed it receives 2 arguments: (1) the full pathname of this macrofile and (2) the value of execution counter in the current session of plugin LuaMacro. If we define 2 variables at top of the macrofile, e.g.
    local MacroFileName, ExeCounter = ...
    then these variables will be available to all the macros and event handlers defined in that file.

  • If macrofiles are loaded from a sequence of trees root1;root2;..., that means that:

    • The tree root2 loads only after loading root1
    • For each tree rootN the first macrofile run is rootN\_macroinit.lua if such a file exists. For the rest of macrofiles in the given tree order of execution is not defined.