

mTouch Cap Library Help

Here is a list of program memory requirements per each library module. 



Size for MPLAB C18 compiler less than 

Size for MPLAB C30 compiler less than 

CTMU Acquisition with Sensors (basic buttons) 

2050 Bytes 

1750 Bytes 

CVD Acquisition with Sensors (basic buttons) 

2700 Bytes 

1850 Bytes 

Button (buttons with different decoding methods) 

680 Bytes 

280 Bytes 

Matrix Button 

790 Bytes 

330 Bytes 

2 Channel Slider 

1000 Bytes 

280 Bytes 

4 Channel Slider 

1320 Bytes 

430 Bytes 
Microchip mTouchCap Software Library 1.41 - [July 18, 2012]
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.