3.13 Create/Recreate Java Programs in LANSA Classpath
Functional Description
The LANSA system is locked exclusively.
If the first input argument to this program is 'N', it creates the Java programs for each Java jar file defined in the LANSA classpath that is located under the LANSA IFS root directory.
Conversely, if the first input argument is 'Y' then it creates the Java programs for all Java jar files defined in the LANSA classpath, regardless of its location on the IFS.
The LANSA system is then released.
Warnings That Apply
- <<osulib>> and <<pgmlib>> must be in the library list when running this job.
- The command to create Java programs (CRTJVAPGM) is resource intensive and can be long running (depending on the number and size of the Java classes included in the jar file). This program is best run in batch and outside production hours.
- You must signon with the user profile that you want to own the Java programs.
- Program failure will leave system in a corrupted state.
- To recover from corrupted state (abnormal termination):
Review diagnostic messages issued by this program.
Correct the source of error.
Rerun this program.
- Don't bypass the PC compatibility test when calling this program directly.
Recreate the Java programs defined in the LANSA Java classpath that are located under the LANSA IFS root directory
CALL OSXP0013 ('N')