3.7 Rename LANSA Libraries
Functional Description
The LANSA system is locked exclusively.
The <<pgmlib>> and <<dtalib>> are renamed to the specified names.
The system definition data area (DC@A01) is updated to reflect the new names for the <<pgmlib>> and <<dtalib>>.
All the LANSA commands are then changed to point to the correct <<pgmlib>>.
The LANSA system is released.
Files Used
DC@W12 |
LANSA System Tables |
Warnings That Apply
- Remember The Golden Rule.
- Backup the system first
- <<osulib>> must be in the library list when running this job.
- The LANSA libraries must not be in the library list of any other job on the system.
- No one should be using the system.
- If the LANSA IFS root directory name is based on the LANSA program library name (which is the default) then you need to run OSU program OSXP0012 to rename the LANSA IFS root directory and update references to the LANSA IFS root directory within LANSA.
- Any software that invokes this LANSA system may need to be changed.
- Any software that uses the old library names may need to be changed.
Rename the LANSA libraries to LANPGMPROD and LANDTAPROD