3.11 High Speed IFS Partition Directory Deletion
Functional Description
This program is no longer used.
This program removes the LANSA partition's IFS directory after removing all its contents.
This program is called from OSU program OS@P0003 3.3 High Speed Partition Deletion so you would normally not call this program directly unless you want to only delete the partition's IFS contents.
Warnings That Apply
- <<osulib>> and <<pgmlib>> must be in the library list when running this job.
- The partition specified must exist.
- No one should be using the system at the time of deletion.
- This program is best run in batch.
- Program failure will leave system (IFS contents) in a corrupted state.
- To recover from corrupted state (abnormal termination):
Review diagnostic messages issued by this program.
Correct the source of error.
Rerun this program.
- Don't bypass the PC compatibility test when calling this program directly.
Delete the IFS partition directory for partition WRK