In conjunction with the RNDR X_RUN argument, the RenderStyle properties of Form (#Prim_FORM) and Panel (#Prim_PANL) determine how some or all of the application is rendered.
The RNDR runtime argument has 3 possible values: W, M and X. Win32, Win32 and DirectX, and DirectX. For any of the application to render in DirectX, the runtime argument must be either M or X.
If the value is W, DirectX will not be used regardless of the value of the properties specified.
Form (#Prim_Form) has 3 possible values:
ApplicationThe RNDR runtime argument value will be used. This is the default.
The form will use DirectX if the RNDR runtime argument is either M or X.
The form will be Win32 regardless of the runtime setting.
Panel (#Prim_Panl) has 2 possible values:
Note that there is no option for a panel to specifically be Win32. Once a panel is DirectX, all child panels must be DirectX.
The panel will use DirectX if the RNDR runtime argument is either M or X.
The panel will render dependent on its parent's RenderStyle. This is the default.
The defaults of Application for Form and Parent for panels allows DirectX to be implemented throughout the application with a change to a single runtime setting.
If you only want to enable DirectX in a piecemeal fashion, perhaps for a few panels so that you can incorporate new DirectX controls and styles, change the runtime setting to M so that DirectX is allowed and then change the forms or panels to be DirectX as required.