Tile (Prim_Tile)
DirectX Only
Tile is a member of a group of list related primitive controls referred to as User Designed Controls.
Tile organises individual design panels in to a grid that is the equivalent of a flow layout manager.
UDCs can be manipulated by the use of the typical LANSA list commands ADD_ENTRY, UPD_ENTRY etc. When entries are added to the list, an instance of the design is made, fields can be passed in, and a corresponding list item is made. UDCs control the position of the item within the list, manage selection, focus, expand/collapse etc., and communicate with the individual item designs through a series of predefined methods published on an interface specific to the type of UDC. For Prim_Tile this is #Prim_Tile.iTileDesign
All UDCs use a parameterized type to define the class of the design to be created each time an entry is added. This is specified on the DEFINE_COM as below
Define_Com Class(#Prim_Tile<#MyTileDesign>) Name(#Tile)
Because of the overhead of making a reusable part instance compared to a simple item for a tree view (#Prim_TRVW) or list view (#Prim_LTVW), UDCs are not designed to be used with many thousand items. For high volume scenarios, other techniques are recommended.