Color Property

Visual LANSA Feature

Color Property

Denotes the color of the brush at the point determined by the At property.

Color can be any valid RGB value e.g. 255:0:0 for red, or any of a series of predefined named colors such as red, blue, yellow, or transparent.

When brush colors are being used for a MaskBrush, the color property is evaluated as either Transparent or Opaque, regardless of the color specified.

The sample below changes from White to Transparent.  The result is that as the transition occurs, the background will become progressively more visible.

Define_Com Class(#Prim_Vs.BrushColors) Name(#Colors)

Define_Com Class(#Prim_Vs.BrushColor) Name(#Color1) Color(White) Parent(#Colors)

Define_Com Class(#Prim_Vs.BrushColor) Name(#Color2) At(100) Color(Transparent) Parent(#Colors)